Gold Digging

The BRCport Yield provides users with avenues to earn rewards through liquidity mining and staking activities. With smart contract logic, advanced algorithms, and robust security measures, BRCport ensures a secure and efficient yield generation system that aligns with the principles of decentralization and trustlessness

Key Components

  1. Liquidity Mining Smart Contracts : BRCport incorporates smart contracts to govern the liquidity mining process. These contracts define the rules and mechanisms for users to supply funds to liquidity pools and earn rewards in return.

  2. Staking Contracts : Staking contracts are integral to the BRCport Yield system, allowing users to lock and stake their $BRCP tokens. Staking contributes to network security, stability, and enables users to earn a share of the protocol's revenue.

  3. Reward Distribution Algorithm : A sophisticated algorithm governs the distribution of rewards to liquidity providers and stakers. This algorithm takes into account factors such as the amount of liquidity provided, staking duration, and overall participation in the network.

Liquidity Mining Workflow

  1. User Participation : Users opt to participate in liquidity mining by supplying BRC20 tokens to designated liquidity pools

  2. Smart Contract Interaction : The Liquidity Mining smart contracts monitor user participation and interaction with liquidity pools. They track the amount of liquidity provided, the duration of participation, and other relevant metrics.

  3. Reward Accumulation : Users accumulate rewards over time based on their contribution to liquidity pools. The algorithm calculates rewards proportionate to the user's share of the total liquidity in the pool and other relevant factors.

  4. Claiming Rewards : Users can claim their earned rewards by interacting with the smart contracts. The process involves triggering a transaction that calls the relevant functions to withdraw the accrued rewards.

Staking Workflow

  1. Token Staking : Users stake their $BRCP tokens by locking them into various time milestones staking pools. Staking $BRCP contributes to the security and stability of the BRCport protocol.

  2. Staking Duration : Staking contracts consider the duration for which users lock their tokens. Longer staking periods may be incentivized with higher rewards to encourage sustained participation.

  3. Reward Accumulation : Users earn a share of the protocol's revenue based on their staked $BRCP tokens and the duration of staking. The algorithm factors in these parameters to determine the proportionate rewards.

  4. Unstaking : Users can initiate the unstaking process when they decide to withdraw their staked $BRCP tokens. The smart contract validates the unstaking request, and users receive their staked tokens along with accrued rewards.

Security Measures

  1. Smart Contract Audits : The Liquidity Mining and Staking smart contracts undergo thorough audits to identify and rectify vulnerabilities. Audits ensure the robustness and security of the codebase.

  2. Decentralized Oracle Integration : To obtain real-time data for reward calculations, BRCport integrates decentralized oracles. Oracles feed accurate information about market conditions and user participation into the smart contracts.

  3. Threshold Signatures for Key Management : The BRCport Yield system employs threshold signatures to enhance key management security. This cryptographic technique distributes private key components, minimizing the risk associated with single points of failure.

Last updated